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EECE 275: Effective Methods & Materials in Early Childhood Education

Reference Books

A white book cover with images of a variety of animals, objects, and places surrounding the title "Children's Illustrated Encyclopedia."

Children's Illustrated Encyclopedia
Call Number: Curriculum Reference 031 C5368
This is a good place to start for background information. There will be general information written for a younger audience. This helps to know how detailed to be in your lessons.


K-12 Databases

PebbleGo and Britannica Online Library Kids Edition are good places to start for background information.

Nonfiction Books

Book cover for "What's Inside a Flower?" by Rachel Ignotofsky

What's Inside a Flower?
The nonfiction section is a good place to find books for background research. They are meant for different age levels and can show you how detailed to be on your topic for a particular age range.

Background Information

The first step in planning a lesson is to gather background information on the theme. Use age appropriate resources to find information tailored to their learning level. You can use children's encyclopedias, databases, and informational (nonfiction) books.