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What Grad Students Need to Know about the Livingston Lord Library

Livingston Lord Library

The first step in any process is knowing where to find the information you need.

Livingston Lord Library is the only physical library at MSUM. There are many different types of physical resources including nonfiction, fiction, young adult and children's books, Students can use their Dragon ID to check out materials at Concordia or NDSU, and books from across the state, including the University of Minnesota, are also available through InterLibrary Loan.

Off campus students should visit the Distance Learning Library Services for detailed information.

Log into the library's databases from off campus link with your Star ID and Password first thing.

The library also has subject and course guides created by librarians to help you get started in the databases specific to your area of study. They are called LibGuides.

If you'd like to setup an appointment with a librarian to begin your research, especially as you're just getting familiar with our databases, librarians are very happy to assist. Schedule a face-to-face or Zoom meeting with a librarian using ResearchRight.