What is Turnitin?
Turnitin is a plagiarism detection tool that can help improve your writing skills by identifying areas where you might have included unoriginal content in their writing. After submitting their writing to a Turnitin enabled D2L Assignment, Turnitin will compare their writing to article databases and other information available online. Turnitin can also run a grammar and writing mechanics check on their paper. The Similarity Report will highlight key areas in their work, showing a breakdown of matching sources.
For many of your classes, your professors will have already activated Turnitin in D2L. If they have NOT and you'd like to check your writing, please go to D2L and self-enroll through the University Writing Support Center's Turnitin course page.
If you need assistance with access Turnitin in D2L, follow the instructions below.
Professors have plenty of tools that allow them to identify plagiarism. There are several websites where they can input a student’s work and learn whether any component of the assignment has been lifted from previous scholarship. Some of the more common tools include: