In Advanced Search, you can use Boolean Operators to expand or limit your search.
Put each word or phrase on each line and modify the Boolean option as necessary:
Using wildcards and truncation is a way to expand your search possibilities. These techniques work in most databases (but not all). There are no wildcard or truncation options in Science Direct.
Wildcards — a symbol used to represent any character. Wildcards can usually be used at the end of a word or within a word. The pound symbol (#) is used in many databases as a wildcard and sometimes the asterisk (*). You can use this symbol to search variant spellings of a word. You can use more than one pound sign to stand in for more than one character. Each pound sign represents 0-1 characters.
Example: wom#n retrieves woman or women
In some databases: wom*n retrieves woman or women
Truncation — a symbol added to the end of the root of a word to instruct the database to search for all forms of a word. The asterisk (*) is used in many databases for truncation.
Example: adolescen* retrieves adolescent, adolescents, or adolescence