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Subject Guide: Psychology

This is a guide to resources in psychology.

Library Resources for Psychology

Welcome Psychology students.
Welcome to this guide to psychology sources in the library.  The guide contains resources, search tips, and citation help. If you've been here before, the best bet sources are below. 

Psychology journals

Livingston Lord Library has a large collection of psychology journals. You can browse our collection using the tool Browzine.  But an index tool like PsycInfo will let you search all of these journals--current and backfile--at one time.  You should try both tools.

Browser Extension LibKey

To save yourself time, add the LibKey Nomad extension to your browser. The extension will link you from webpages (like PubMed or Wikipedia) to MSUM Library's subscription content.  If MSUM doesn't subscribe to the material, it will give you "access options" which is another way of saying it will link you to our interlibrary loan request page. It is a very handy tool.