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SLP 601: Research Design in Speech-Language Pathology

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What if MSUM doesn't have the article you want??

First, make sure to double check the library doesn't already own this journal online in full text by running a journal TITLE search in Dragon OneSearch.

If the library doesn’t have the article you want in either print or online, you can request a copy by using InterLibrary Loan (ILL). For a detailed description of what ILL is, check out the InterLibrary Loan Services LibGuide.

When you’re in one of the library’s databases and the full-text is not there, or the most recent months of the journal have been embargoed, you can use the ILL function within the databases to request the article. If you find a citation somewhere besides in one of our online databases, double check BrowZine first, and then if you cannot locate the journal you  can place a request for it using our online ILL Request Form.

Not sure if it's peer-reviewed?

Specific Journal Titles in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences

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