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SLHS322: Language Disorders in Children - Mead

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the integration of

  • Clinical expertise/expert opinion
    • The knowledge, judgment, and critical reasoning acquired through your training and professional experiences
  • Evidence (external and internal)
    • The best available information gathered from the scientific literature (external evidence) and from data and observations collected on your individual client (internal evidence)
  • Client/patient/caregiver perspectives
    • The unique set of personal and cultural circumstances, values, priorities, and expectations identified by your client and their caregivers
Evidence-Based Practice Triangle

When all three components of EBP are considered together, clinicians can make informed,
evidence-based decisions and provide high-quality services reflecting the interests, values, needs,
and choices of individuals with communication disorders.


© 1997-2022 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

The EBP Process

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the process of applying current, best evidence (external and internal scientific evidence), patient perspective, and clinical expertise to make decisions about the care of the individuals you treat. This page will teach you this versatile process so you can be confident that you're providing the best possible care no matter what clinical questions may arise.

All Evidence-Based Practice Steps

Follow these steps to initiate and implement EBP into your clinical practice.

Dive Deeper Into EBP Concepts

Learn more about concepts found within EBP.


© 1997-2022 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Evidence-Based Practice Toolkit

A collection of PDFs to guide you as you implement the evidence-based practice (EBP)
process for your own clinical questions.


Identify Biases [PDF]
Learn about the impact of different types
of bias and how to mitigate it
The DECIDE Framework [PDF]
Questions to to ask yourself when
making a clinical decision
Study Design Features [PDF]
Compare the features of study designs
commonly found in audiology and SLP research
Which Research Design Should You Find? [PDF]
Find the best study design to address your clinical question
© 1997-2022 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association


Create a PICO Question [PDF]
Fill in relevant client information to create
your own PICO question
Create a Search String [PDF]
Convert your PICO question into a database-ready
search string
Track Your Search Results [PDF]
Organize key information from your search

A searchable online tool designed to assist clinicians with making evidence-based decisions.


© 1997-2022 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Evidence-Based Practice Catalog

A curated collection of documents and articles to help ASHA members understand
and implement evidence-based practice (EBP).

Policy Documents

ASHA Resources

ASHA/N-CEP Evidence-Based Systematic Reviews (EBSRs)
Systematic reviews conducted by ASHA's National Center for Evidence-Based Practice in Communication Disorders in partnership with ASHA members or committees.
National Outcome Measurement System (NOMS)
Voluntary data collection system used to illustrate the value of clinical services provided to individuals with communication and swallowing disorders.

Related Blog Posts

Finding the Best Evidence Fast, Dysphagia Café
How to navigate the post-PDPM landscape with evidence-based dysphagia interventions.

How ASHA's Evidence Maps Save You Time, Eat, Speak & Think
Learn how to navigate the Evidence Maps - ASHA's online tool to find the best evidence fast.

How to Make Data Work for You as a School-Based SLP, Natalie Synders SLP
Learn how data, both internal and external, drives the vital decisions that school-based SLPs make every day.

Using Evidence-Based Practice in the Schools, Crazy Speech World
Use ASHA's DECIDE framework to integrate the three components of evidence-based practice – external and internal evidence, clinical expertise, and client perspectives – into a clinical decision.

How to Know the Evidence, Using Shortcuts Specifically Designed for Speech-Language Pathologists, The Informed SLP
Compare the features of three different platforms that help clinicians keep up on the latest evidence in our field.

Applying ASHA's Evidence Maps to My Caseload, Eat, Speak & Think
Read the five things one clinician discovered when she applied ASHA's Evidence Maps to her current caseload.

ASHA, SLP, & EBP in 2020, SLP R&R
Learn more about what the EBP toolkit has to offer.


© 1997-2022 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Evidence-Based Practice Glossary

Entries in this glossary were adapted from a number of sources, including

The definitions often differ slightly among these sources. Although we have selected a definition for each entry to get you started, your understanding of these concepts will grow if you examine the definitions provided at the websites listed above.

This glossary is a work in progress; entries will be added and updated over time and in response to feedback from users. Please send your comments and suggestions to


© 1997-2022 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Evidence-Based Practice Tutorials

Informational, interactive, and video resources to help clinicians expand their
understanding of evidence-based practice (EBP).

ASHA Webinar
"Evidence-Based Practice Tools for Practicing Clinicians"
Duke University
A series of modules that guide you through the steps of EBP
Equator Network
Reporting guidelines organized by study type
How to Interpret and Evaluate A Meta-Analysis in the Field of Speech-Language Pathology:
A Tutorial for Clinicians
A tutorial article available to ASHA members when signed in to ASHAWire
McMaster University
Resources and guides for, and about, EBP
Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
Tools and suggestions for implementing evidence-based practice
Students 4 Best Evidence
Resources related to evidence-based health care organized by topic
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
An interprofessional tutorial exploring the EBP process
© 1997-2022 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association