Current Minnesota State University Moorhead students, faculty, and staff can access the OverDrive digital library. In order to check out eBooks and audiobooks you must sign with a valid library account.
How many items can I check out?
You can check out up to 5 items at one time.
How long can I check out the items?
The lending period for eBooks and eAudiobooks is 21 days.
How do I return my items?
You do not have to return your items because they automatically expire at the end of the lending period. Certain items can be returned early - for device-specific instructions on returning your items before the expiration, refer to the tabs above.
Can I renew my items?
Items cannot be renewed, but you can check them out again after they expire if they are still available.
Can I place items on hold?
Yes. You can have up to 10 items on hold at one time.
How do I place an item on hold?
When the title becomes available you will receive an email. You then have 3 days to check out your hold item.
How do I sign in to my account?
A special thanks to the Utah State University Libraries and the Tompkins County Public Library for content and formatting inspiration for this guide.