ChemID Plus
A dictionary of over 400,000 chemicals (names, synonyms, and structures) that includes links to NLM and other databases and resources, including links to federal, state, and international agencies. Basic and advanced search options are available.
A free chemical structure database proving fast text and structure search access to over 63 million structures from hundreds of data sources.
An online, global news service ruled by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) that provides a central place through which universities, medical centers, journals, government agencies, corporations, and other organizations engaged in research can bring their news to the media.
Hazardous Substance Database
A toxicology database that focuses on the toxicology of potentially hazardous chemicals. It provides information on human exposure, industrial hygiene, emergency handling procedures, environmental fate, regulatory requirements, nanomaterials, and related areas.
An occupational health database with information about the adverse effects of workplace exposures to chemical and biological agents.
Martindale's Chemistry Center
Comprehensive collection of links organized into broad main categories: Chemistry Overview, Periodic Tables and Databases; Chemicals & Biochemical Databases; Analytical Chemistry; and First and Second Year Courses, Tutorials, and Video.
MatWeb: The Online Materials Information Resource
A searchable database of material properties including data sheets of thermoplastic and thermoset polymers, metals, ceramics, semiconductors, fibers, and other engineering materials.
R&D Chemicals Database
A database of chemical compounds accessible over Internet. Its search engine allows you to find a chemical by its molecular formula, IUPAC name, Smiles, CAS number, structure or substructure.