Thousands of eBooks on all topics. Can be searched by author, subject, title, or keyword.
Offers streaming access to more than 168,000 CDs with more than 2,600,000 tracks, standard and rare repertoire.
Funding for this resource is provided by MSUM's Music Department.
To use the mobile app:
1. Access NML.
2. Click on the “Playlists” link in the gray menu bar near the top of the page.
3. Select “Sign Up” in the upper right corner.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions. An activation email will be sent to the address provided.
5. Check your inbox and follow the instructions in the activation email. It is possible that the email may end up in your junk folder.
6. Once the playlist account has been activated, you can use that username and password to log in to the mobile apps.
Guides to Resources
The collection is accessible online at and via free apps from iTunes, Google Play, and Kindle. Ebooks Minnesota is open to all individuals and libraries within Minnesota’s borders. Contains more than 3,800 books, including titles Minnesota publishers.