Research topic: How does news impact stress?
What are the key terms to search?
What terms might you exclude?
In APA PsycInfo’s “Advanced Search” type the first term followed by “or” and pause for suggestions. Drag cursor down to select preferred suggestions. Repeat with other term(s).
• Filter to Peer review articles.
• Filter Age to select Young adults
• Filter Methodology to Empirical research
Review results and select the check box by 3 best articles.
Hit the CITE icon and choose APA 7th Edition. Remember the CITE icon looks like a quote symbol.
Copy and paste citations into Microsoft Word.
Note: You may need to add paragraph returns between the citations.
Highlight all citations, right click mouse and go to PARAGRAPH menu, under INDENTATION, find the SPECIAL menu and select HANGING. This will create APA citation list.
Something missing? On the top line above the citations, type the word "References" in bold and center justify.
Good work!