Cinahl and Proquest Nursing have filters to find Evidence-Based Practice articles.
Don't rely solely on this filter as coding is not perfect.
Other types of evidence include
* Clinical Trials
* Cohort studies
* Case studies
* Review articles
What is Evidence-Based Nursing?
EBN is a practice where professionals are strategically pairing existing research with patient care.
* ANA : What is Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing?
Steps for EBN
Defining a clinically relevant question
Searching for the best evidence
Critically appraising the evidence
Applying the evidence
Evaluating the performance of EBM (see NCBI)
Search with PICOT variables
PICOT is a technique to identify the major elements of your question so you do a thorough search for resources.
Recommend UVA Health LibGuide for detailed discussion of PICOT