Statista is an online statistics portal providing access to data from market and opinion research institutions, as well as from business organizations and government institutions.
The Countries, Peoples & Cultures series is complete with information on over 200 countries and self-governing territories, as well as separate appendices profiling 21 types of governments currently in power and 10 major world religions.
Provides a critical look at race, gender, and modern day discrimination and solutions to creating sustainable diversity across numerous contexts and fields. Includes studies on anti-discrimination measures, gender discrimination, and tolerance.
This book presents and discusses documents that reflect pivotal moments in the LGBT rights movement in North America, from the First People, through the influx of European settlers and the slave trade from Africa, to the modern era.
Research in Economic Anthropology, Vol. 36. Consists of three sections connected by the explanation of differences in perspective between people and polities.
This volume surveys the formation of cultures and offers readers an introductory understanding of sociological methods and important concepts in the field.
This title presents important historical documents from influential figures in Native American history. It provides in-depth analysis of speeches, letters, legislation, court cases, and other sources about Native Americans throughout American history.
This work is designed to provide a solid foundation for the research of various sociological topics. This volume provides an introduction to the issues surrounding racial and ethnic discrimination.