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EIT 492 - Contemporary artists and entertainment industry

Resources on creative professionals in the entertainment industry

Writing Resources


What is a citation?

  • A standardized description of where you found the information in your work (paper, presentation, etc.)

Why cite your sources?

  • Gives credit to author
  • Prevents plagiarism
  • Shows your research
  • Provides additional information

How to cite your sources: Citation Styles
Most citation styles use the same information, but the order and punctuation vary. In most cases, you plug information into a template.

  • APA
  • MLA
  • Chicago
  • Bluebook (legal)


What does a citation look like?

APA Style:

Templates for citing an article and a book in APA.


Where do I find the elements to create a citation?

Library Website Example:

Database Example:

Library Website Citation Tool

Database Citation Tool Example

A screenshot of a citation tool on an article found in an EBSCO database showing different citation style options.

What resources you use will depend on your topic, the format of your deliverable, and what your instructor requests. In many cases, things other than books and articles are appropriate. They still need to be cited and there are formats for that! 

A list of citation options for a variety of less traditionally cited formats including YouTube videos, podcast episodes, and tweets.