In addition to The Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning (IJGLL), RED hopes to host a vast array of faculty research from across the University. We are seeking department and college-level faculty publications, presentations, and artifact collections from active and legacy research projects.
To get started hosting and sharing your research, contact the RED Team for an initial project evaluation and consultation.
When submitting works to RED, users agree to the bepress Terms of Services. Posting content does not transfer copyright to bepress or to RED. Authors retain copyright and grant "the worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free and non-exclusive license(s) to use, distribute for use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and publicly display" their works on the repository.
The RED Team makes every effort to ensure that all works submitted to RED are archived and disseminated in accordance with United States copyright law, University policy, and the wishes of content creators. The RED Team does not have the authority to alter the content of any works published in the institutional repository.
Authors may request that the RED administrators remove their work from the IR. Examples of reasons for removal include copyright infringement, confidentiality concerns, legal requirements, plagiarism, or falsification of data.
If for any reason you believe that a work included in RED should be removed or modified, please contact the RED Team at (218) 477-2379 or A member of the RED Team will contact you as soon as possible during regular business hours.