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SPED 225: Individuals with Exceptionalities - Pullen/Parenteau

Reference Sources

Working w/ Periodicals

Carnegie-Vincent Library.  "Scholarly and Popular Sources."  Online video clip.  YouTube.  YouTube, 22 Mar. 2013. Web.  24 Jan. 2017.

Hoskins, Katie Seeler.  "Periodical Types."  Slide Share.  Mountain View, CA:  LinkedIn Corp., 27 Jun. 2014.  Web.  24 Jan. 2017.

John W. Hicks Undergraduate Library.  What's the Difference?:  Scholarly Journals, Trade Publications, & General Interest Magazines.  West Lafayette, IN:  Purdue U Libraries, 2006.  Web.  24 Jan. 2017.

University of British Columbia iSchool.  "How To Read an Academic Paper."  Online video clip.  YouTube.  YouTube, 17 Jan. 2013.  Web.  24 Jan. 2017.


Assignment Description:  Students will choose an exceptionality that particularly interests them or a topic that relates to exceptionalities.  Students will summarize four journal articles explaining how the articles enhance their knowledge.