When searching databases, please keep your eyes open for a "Cite" button. It can save you time by generating a citation for your source.
The broadest search of all the library's resources is done through Dragon OneSearch. This will find books, ebooks, articles, etc.
Journals, magazines, and newspapers in almost every subject area.
Journal articles focusing on medical disciplines and medication information.
Contains abstracts that feature a wide variety of content, ranging from exercise, to sports medicine, to dance. Health education and physical therapy are also covered.
To save yourself time, add the LibKey Nomad extension to your browser. The extension will link you from webpages (like PubMed or Wikipedia) to MSUM Library's subscription content. If MSUM doesn't subscribe to the material, it will give you "access options" which is another way of saying it will link you to our interlibrary loan request page. It is a very handy tool.