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Black History Month


1928: Civilization: A World Achievement
1929: Possibility of Putting Negro History in the Curriculum
1930: Significant Achievements of the Negro
1931: Neglected Aspects of Negro History
1932: What George Washington Bicentennial Commission Fail to Do
1933: Ethiopia Meets Error in Truth
1934: Contribution of the Negro in Poetry, in Painting, in Sculpture and in Science
1935: The Negro Achievements in Africa
1936: African Background Outlined
1937: American Negro History from the Time of Importation from Africa up to the Present Day
1938: Special Achievements of the Race: Oratory, Drama, Music, Painting, Sculpture, Science and Inventions
1939: Special Achievements of the Race: Religion, Education, Business, Architecture, Engineering, Innovation, Pioneering
1940: Negro Labor
1941: The Career of Frederick Douglass
1942: The Negro in Democracy
1943: The Negro in the Modern World
1944: The Negro and the New Order
1945: The Negro and Reconversion
1946: Let us Have Peace
1947: Democracy Possible only Through Brotherhood
1948: The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth
1949: The Use of Spirituals in the Classroom
1950: Outstanding Moments in Negro History
1951: Eminent Negroes in World Affairs
1952: Great Negro Educators (Teachers)
1953: Negro History and Human Relations
1954: Negro History: A Foundation for Integration
1955: Negro History: A Contribution to America’s Intercultural Life
1956: Negro History in an Era of Changing Human Relations
1957: Negro History
1958: Negro History: A Factor in Nationalism and Internationalism
1959: Negro History: A Foundation for a Proud America
1960: Strengthening America Through Education in Negro History and African Culture
1961: Freedom and Democracy for the Negro after 100 years (1861-1961)
1962: Negro History and a New Birth of Freedom
1963: Negro History Evaluates Emancipation (1863-1963)
1964: Negro History: A Basis for the New Freedom
1965: Negro History: Freedom’s Foundation
1966: Freedom from Racial Myths and Stereotypes Through Negro History
1967: Negro History in the Home, School, and the Community
1968: The Centennial of the Fourteenth Amendment Afro American History Week
1969: Changing the Afro American Image through History
1970: 15th Amendment and Black America in the Century (1870-1970)
1971: African Civilization and Culture: A Worthy Historical Background
1972: African Art, Music, Literature; a Valuable Cultural Experience
1973: Biography Illuminates the Black Experience
1974: Helping America Understand
1975: Fulfilling America’s Promise: Black History Month
1976: America for All Americans
1977: Heritage Days: The Black Perspective; the Third Century
1978: Roots, Achievements and Projections
1979: History: Torch for the future
1980 Heritage for America
1981: Black History: Role Model for Youth
1982: Afro American Survival
1983: Afro Americans in the United States
1984: Afro Americans and Education
1985: Afro American Family
1986: Afro American Experience: International Connection
1987: Afro Americans and the Constitution from Colonial Times to the Present
1988: Constitutional Status of Afro Americans in the 21st Century
1989: Afro Americans and Religion
1990: Seventy-Five Years of Scholarly Excellence: A Homage to Our Forebearers
1991: Educating America: Black Universities and Colleges, Strengths and Crisis
1992: African Roots Experience New Worlds, Pre-Columbus to Space Exploration
1993: Afro-American Scholars: Leaders, Activists and Writers
1994: Empowering Black Americans
1995: Reflections on 1895: Douglass, Du Bois & Washington
1996: Black Women
1997: African Americans and Civil Rights; a Reprisal
1998: Black Business
1999: Legacy of African American Leadership for the Present and the Future
2000: Heritage and Horizons: The African American Legacy and the Challenges for the 21st Century
2001: Creating and Defining the African American Community: Family, Church Politics and Culture
2002: The Color Line Revisited: Is Racism Dead?
2003: The Souls of Black Folks: Centennial Reflections
2004: Before Brown, Beyond Boundaries: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education
2005: The Niagara Movement: Black Protest Reborn, 1905-2005
2006: Celebrating Community: A Tribute to Black Fraternal, Social, and Civil Institutions
2007: From Slavery to Freedom: Africans in the Americas
2008: Carter G. Woodson and the Origins of Multiculturalism
2009: The Quest for Black Citizenship in the Americas
2010: The History of Black Economic Empowerment
2011: African Americans and the Civil War
2012: Black Women in American Culture and History
2012: President Barack Obama National Black History Month Proclamation
2013: At the Crossroads of Freedom and Equality: The Emancipation Proclamation and the March on Washington
2014: Civil Rights in America
2015: A Century of Black Life, History, and Culture
2016: Hallowed Grounds: Sites of African American Memories
2017: The Crisis in Black Education
2018: African Americans in Times of War
2019: Black Migrations
2020: African Americans and the Vote
2021: The Black Family: Representation, Identity, and Diversity
2022: Black Health and Wellness
2023: Black Resistance
2024: African Americans and the Arts
2025: African Americans and Labor
2026: A Century of Black History Commemorations
2027: African Americans in the Digital Age
2028: TBD
2029: Sustaining and Saving Black Land and Property
2030: Black Economics