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ECON 390: Feminist Economics - Bolduc: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography Information from Dr. Bolduc

The aim of the project is two-fold:

  1. to explore published academic research conducted within the feminist economics tradition, and
  2. to assemble a set of articles focused on a specific topic. I strongly encourage you to think of other research projects you may have to undertake in other classes and use this annotated bibliography as a way of reviewing source literature for that project. For example, Economics majors have to conduct research in both Quantitative Methods and Senior Seminar and this might be a way of exploring possible topics.

The logistics for this project are as follows:

  • Identify a theme or topic you want to explore. You may want to consult the Journal of Economics Literature Classification system (Google “JEL Classification”) to get a sense of the range of topics under the economics disciplinary purview. This JEL Classification will also give you useful search terms.
  • Select 8 to 12 articles related to your selected theme and prepare a summary; see below for guidelines on the format and content of the summary.
    • As I am placing greater value on breadth than depth, a book would count as two articles;
    • As the focus is on feminist economics, at least 75% of your selected items should come from the journal Feminist Economics or be written by someone clearly identified with the tradition of feminist economics;
    • The remaining 25% of your selected items should be related to your central topic but can come from sources other than Feminist Economics.

The format and content of the bibliography should follow these guidelines:

  • You should begin your bibliography with a brief 100- to 150-word introduction explaining the theme and the reason for your choice of the theme;
  • For each item in your bibliography:
    • include an outline of the headings and subheadings of the article (like you did for the Julie Nelson “Choice or Provisioning” article in SWA #1);
    • fill in the outline with a 2- to 3-sentence summary for each section and subsection. Include also any quotations you find especially compelling or indicative/representative of that particular aspect of the author’s argument.
  • You should conclude your bibliography with a brief 100- to 150-word conclusion of key findings and avenues for further exploration, e.g., did this assignment deepen or clarify your interest in the chosen topic? In what way? Did you exhaust your interest in the topic?

Ways to Remember


Currency - Is the information timely?

Relevance - Is the information relevant to your research needs (your thesis statement).

Authority - Is this information from a reliable source?

Accuracy - Is this information reliable, truthful, and correct?

Purpose - For what reason does this information exist?

The CRAAP test is adapted from the Meriam Library at California State University Chico.