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ED 310: Social Foundations of Education - Kupferman

Policy Topic Research

You will analyze a policy from schooling/education, ideally based on your practicum experience and/or your future professional interest. While you are in your practicum placement, you will encounter practices and policies that cause you to question the purposes and philosophies of schooling and/or education in various contexts. From these questions, you will choose a policy to study. The policy might be a statement, a piece of curriculum, a student test, or another remnant of schooling that relates to purpose, policy, philosophy, and/or practice. For example, you might notice that students at the Boys and Girls Club receive meals and snacks; this fact may bring up questions of feeding children who live in poverty and the role of schools. You might then choose free school lunch programs as your policy to analyze. 

This is NOT a conventional research paper, although research is involved. You are situating your policy in a specific context and then analyzing it in relation to purposes, policies, philosophies, and practices.

See your assignment guidelines for more details.